Nastavljamo s praksom predstavljanja naših igrača. Ovaj put vam donosimo intervju s našim golmanom - kojeg vjerujem redovna publika na našim utakmicama već poznaje - duga brada, kratka kosa danas nam odgovara Gunja Pletikosa. / We continue with the presentation of our players. This time we bring you the interview with our goalkeeper – who is well known by anyone who attends our matches – long beard and short hair – Gunja Pletikosa.
1. Možeš li nam se za početak predstaviti? Koliko imaš godina i čime se baviš osim nogometa?
Zdravi mi bili navijačice, navijači i svi simpatizeri kluba! Ime mi je Krešimir Blažević no velika većina vas me zna kao Gunja. Nedavno sam napunio 27 godina što me čini zlatnom sredinom u našem timu! Dok ne loptaram i bacam se po kaljužama naših krasnih zagrebačkih terena, sviram čak tri instrumenta (bubnjeve, gitaru i ukulele – ne, uopće se ne hvalim :D), bicikliram, pročitam pokoju knjigu, gledam serije i filmove i ko svaki pravi mladić, igram igrice :P. I da, čekam Brku da me pozove da prašimo D&D :D. Uglavnom, svime i svačime.
2. Kada si počeo igrati nogomet i da li si do sad igrao u nekom klubu?
Pa ako se ono što sam radio kao dječarac može nazvati nogometom, onda stvarno od malih nogu. A od malo "profesionalnijih" angažmana tu je skoro godina dana igranja u pionirima NK Jadran Gunja, te dvije sezone u nižim malonogometnim ligama. Dakle nisam, haha.
3. Koji je tvoj put to golmana Zagreb 041? Kako si se priključio klubu i kako to da si završio kao čuvar mreže?
Ajmo redom. Daklem, kako sam višegodišnji član White Angelsa mislim da nije potrebno dodatno objašnjavati kako sam došao do kluba :). Kad su počeli treninzi, praktički cijelo vrijeme me trener Celestine uvježbavao za napadača (poziciju koju i sam preferiram), no sve se to rasplinulo nakon utakmice u kupu protiv NK Zelengaja. Kako nas je tada bilo samo 12 igrača i još nismo našli adekvatnog golmana, a utakmicu je vodio tada kolega Igor Anić zbog odsustva Celestinea, on me stavio na desnog beka, a na gol Svena Nemeta. To nije išlo kako smo zamislili te se vidjelo da mora netko drugi među vratnice. Solidaran kakav jesam (i sklon akrobacijama i bacanjem ovako bezveze) ponudio sam se stati na gol dok ne nađemo nekog boljeg. To se čudom još nije desilo, a i srećom pa mi se branjenje gola trenutno i sviđa, ostao sam tu gdje jesam :).
4. Koliko je drugačije biti igrač od golmana, jer iza tebe nema nikog tko može popraviti tvoju grešku? Koliko je "opasnije" biti golman?
Mogu reći da je dosta drugačije, neću reći teže, ali u istom je rangu kao i igranje, što god neki mislili. Upravo zbog tog pritiska jer nikoga nemaš da te pokrije i jer si ti taj koji "odlučuje" da li će lopta završiti u mreži ili ne. Otuda dolazi i činjenica da se greške obrane i golmana puno više gledaju nego greške sredine i napada. Ako napadač ne da gol, onda je "Ah, nije ga išlo, šta možeš" dok kada obrana zezne onda je "Ah, usro je pa smo primili gol" :).
5. Kako to izgleda igrati za klub kojim upravljaju navijači, a i svi ostali uključujući i tebe? Imaš li još koju "ulogu" u klubu, osim što si igrač?
Izgleda super! Fora je u tome da kako i sam sudjeluješ direktno u svemu tome, čim vidiš da negdje nešto ne štima ili bi se moglo nešto popraviti, nadodati, jednostavno predložiš članovima i to ide na razmatranje te se u većini slučajeva i napravi ako si bio u pravu. Dakle, vidiš kvar – prijaviš – popravljeno! Sve ko po traci!
Trenutno sam uz igranje član RG Logistike pa sam jedan od odgovornih za opremu i treninge, a ujedno i razvozim igrače po utakmicama :).
6. Kako je biti dio tima u kojem su igrači, a i trener iz toliko različitih i udaljenih zemalja?
Pa realno, ne primjećujem nikakvu razliku od vremena kad sam igrao samo sa istozemljacima :). Ista je zezancija, isto se igra, svi imamo potpuno isti tretman. No da mi je drago da sam upoznao i da se družim sa stranim igračima i da su baš u mojem klubu, to ne mogu poreći :).
7. Svjedoci smo posljednjih tjedana prolasku stotina tisuća izbjeglica kroz našu zemlju. Kako u Zagreb 041 igraju i azilanti, pretpostavljam da je ta tema česta i u vašim razgovorima. Kako vi kao igrači gledate na to sve?
Pretpostavljam da svi znaju da su azilante i tražitelje azila iz hotela "Porin" premjestili u Kutinu dok traje ova izbjeglička kriza, tako da smo time izgubili 4 člana tima koji su s nama redovito trenirali. Tako da nam nije bilo svejedno kad smo ih izgubili jer su super dečki i dvojica su čak bili i konkurenti za prvu postavu. Često ih se sjetimo kad raspravljamo neke taktike, gdje bi njih stavili na terenu i općenito kako bi igrali da su ostali tu. Srdačno ih iščekujemo nazad!
8. Iza nas je sada, s pripremama, kupom i prvenstvom desetak utakmica. Navijači i igrači su se već dobro upoznali i bez pretjerivanja može se reći da si ti jedan od miljenika publike. Kakav je to osjećaj, koliko je to teret, a koliko poticaj?
Miljenik publike... Draže bi mi bilo da sam to postao svojim nastupima nego što većinu te publike poznajem osobno, hehe :D. Osjećaj je odličan, no nekad mi stvore ogroman pritisak kada je napeta utakmica jer znam da ako kiksam, poslije ću biti na tapeti svima :P. To je naravno s druge strane i veoma jak poticaj jer ne želite biti meta Brasku i ekipi, pogotovo kada imaju moć skladanja pjesama o vama :D.
9. Za kraj, što možeš poručiti navijačima i navijačicama Zagreba?
Ha poručio bi im isto što i moji prethodnici, zahvaljujem im na dolascima na utakmice i nenadmašnom navijanju i bodrenju te da tako i dalje nastave i dovode dalje sve više i više naroda!
Aj zdra'o! (netko će prepoznati ovo, netko neće ;D)
1. Can you introduce yourself to us for start? What do you do besides football?
Cheers to all supporters and all who sympathise the club. My name is Krešimir Blažević but most of you know me as Gunja. I recently turned 27 and that puts me in the average age group of the club. While I’m not kicking around footballs and throwing myself in the mud I play three instruments (drums, guitar and ukulele – no, I’m not bragging at all :D), I ride my bicycle, read a few books, watch movies and series and, like every young man, play videogames. :P And, yeah, I wait for Brko to call me for some D&D :D. Basically, I do everything.
2. When did you start playing football and have you played for any club before?
Well, if what I was doing as a little boy could be called football then I started from a really early age. And on a more “professional” level I played almost for a year at NK Jadran Gunja youth squad and two seasons of indoor/street football. So, no, I haven’t played for any club, ha ha.
3. What did your journey to Zagreb 041’s goalkeeper look like? How did you join the club and how did you end up as a goalkeeper?
Let’s start from the beginning. So, being a member of White Angles for many years I think there is no need to explained how I became involved with the club. :) When training started coach Celestin has been training me as a striker (a position I prefer myself), but everything fell to pieces during first game against FC Zelengaj. There were only 12 of us at the time, we haven’t found appropriate goalkeeper until then and Igor Anić wes leading the game because Celestine couldn’t attend so I played as a right-back and Sven Nemet was a goalkeeper. It did not turn out as planned and we had to find another ‘keeper. Me having high solidarity (and prone to acrobatics and throwing my self around for no apparent reason) I offered to stand in front of the goal until we find someone better. Miraculously it has not happened yet and I luckily enjoy the position so I stayed here where I am. :)
5. How differently is to be a player than a goalkeeper, because there is nobody behind you who can fix your mistake? How much more “dangerous” is it to be a goalkeeper?
I can say it is really different. I wouldn’t say it is more difficult but it is on the same level as a playing position, whatever some may think. It’s because of the pressure because there is nobody there to cover you and you are the one who “decides” whether the ball will end up in the net or not. This also leads to mistakes by defence or goalkeeper to be seen as greater than the by midfield or attack. If a striker fails to score it’s “Aw, he wasn’t lucky, what can you do…” and if the defence makes a mistake it’s “He made a shitty mistake and we conceded a goal.” :)
5. How does it feel to play for a club run by the fans and the rest, including you? Do you have any other “role” in the club, besides being a player?
It feels great! It is great that, as you are a part of it directly, you can spot the things that do not work or spot things that can be improved. Then you simply propose something to members, it is considered and usually put through if you had a point. So – you see an error – report it – it’s fixed! By the book!
Besides playing I am currently member of Logistics Workgroup so I am one of those responsible for equipment and trainings and I also drive players around for matches. :)
6. How does it feel to be a part of the team where players and coach come from so many different and far away countries?
Well, honestly, I don’t see any difference from playing with compatriots. :) We have same jokes, play the same game, we all have same treatment. But I can’t deny being glad to have met and befriended foreign players and them being a part of my club. :)
7. In the last few weeks we are witnessing the passage of hundreds of thousands of refugees through our country. As asylum seekers play for Zagreb 041, I assume that it is often the talking point of your conversations. How do you as players see the situation?
I assume everybody knows that the asylum seekers have been removed from hotel “Porin” all the way to Kutina while this migration crisis is under way, so we lost four team members who trained with us regularly. It was a concern for us to lose such great guys, two of them were even for selection in the first team. We often think of them when talking about tactics, where would they play and how would they played if they had stayed. We eagerly expect them back!
8. We have around ten games behind us, including friendly games, cup and the championship games. Players and supporters have get to known each other well by know and we don’t overstate when we say you are one of the supporter’s favourite. How does it feel? Is it a burden or a motivation?
Supporters favourite… I would feel better if I had become that with my performance than by knowing most of these people personally, ha ha. :D It feels great, but I sometimes feel great pressure when the game is even because I know that if I make a mistake I will be everybody’s target. It is at the same time a great motivation because you don’t want to be the target for Brasco and the guys, especially when they have the power to make chants about you. :D
9. For the end – what can you say to supporters of Zagreb?
I’d like to say the same as players before me – I thank them for showing up for the matches and the best cheering of all, continue doing this and bring more and more people to games!