Upoznajte našeg novog golmana Filipa Pavelića // Meet our new goalkeeper Filip Pavelić
1. Pozdrav Filipe, reci nam ukratko o sebi i svojem životnom i nogometnom putu?
Bok, zovem se Filip Pavelić, imam 25 godina i toliko dugo studiram povijest da me već navode kao povijesni izvor. Na svojem nogometnom putu promijenio sam niz klubova iz Zagreba i okolice, a najdulje sam se zadržao u NK Horvati s kojima sam osvojio 3. ZNL i igrao četvrtfinale Kupa ZNS-a. U slobodno vrijeme kad ne igram nogomet i ne treniram djecu idem na faks, radim ili sa curom pokušavam pogledati sve epizode Malcolma u sredini.
2. Otkud ti u 041?
S 041 koketiram od njegovih samih početaka kada sam slučajno upao u razgovor Goranu i Gunji u Frci. Ipak, u tim trenucima igrao sam u NK Horvatima s kojima sam ispisao neke lijepe stranice u povijesti tog nogometnog kluba i stekao prijateljstva sa sjajnim budalama. Pošto je u Horvatima ugašena seniorska momčad u 2. mjesecu, odlučio sam se isti tren priključiti Zagrebu 041 jer mi se čini da se ovdje događa jedna lijepa nova nogometna priča. Svoje prve nogometne tekme uživo sam gledao u Kranjčevićevoj s didom s kojim sam imao poseban odnos i zato mi je dolazak u ovaj klub posebno važan.
3. S nama si već više od mjesec dana, kako ti se čine suigrači, trener i treninzi?
Moram priznati da za sada imam samo pohvale vezane i za suigrače i za trenera i za treninge. Posjećenost na treninzima je fenomenalna, atmosfera je izvrsna i vidi se da u klubu igraju igrači koji znaju igrati nogomet i kojima je klub jako bitan. Trener Igor mi se doima kao dobar čovjek i dobar trener koji zna što hoće od igrača, zna držati situaciju pod kontrolom i zna prenijeti svoje znanje i iskustvo na sve nas. Što se treninga tiče, samo ću reći da već dugo nisam prošao ovako naporne pripreme za sezonu i vjerujem da će se to ubrzo vidjeti i na terenu.
4. Što misliš da li je integracija izbjeglica moguća kroz nogomet? Kako to izgleda na treninzima?
Svakako, moguća je i sjajna je prilika da im se pomogne da se snađu u novoj sredini. Koliko god bio klišej, nogomet je uistinu neka vrsta zajedničkog jezika svima nama koji ga volimo. Vjerujem da je sreća kad zabiješ gol ili obraniš penal jednaka i u Afganistanu i u Siriji i u Hrvatskoj, a to nam svima daje dodirnu točku, baš ono što mislim da treba ljudima koji se nalaze u novoj sredini u koju dolaze zbog teških okolnosti u njihovim domovima.
Na treninzima je rad s izbjeglicama simpatičan i izuzetno pozitivan. Recimo, volja i trud koji pokazuje naš Ibrahim na treninzima me oduševljava svaki put, kao i krnji engleski na kojem komuniciramo. A nisu mu ni klizeći startovi loši :D
5. Možemo li biti prvi i što nam treba za to?
Iskreno, trenutno ne znam kakva je kvaliteta 3. ZNL, ali čini mi se da su pristup i treninzi izrazito ozbiljni i da je kvaliteta igrača koji igraju itekako dovoljna za napad na prvo mjesto. Ja sam došao u klub sa željom da ponovno osvojim ovu ligu i nadam se da ćemo to uspjeti već ove godine.
6. Drugačiji smo od drugih klubova (jedan član-jedan glas, direktna demokracija, protiv modernog nogometa), vidiš li u budućnosti nogometa više klubova poput Zagreba 041 ili misilš da će sve i dalje ostati kao i do sada?
Mislim da direktna demokracija po principu jedan član-jedan glas može biti dobar način za vođenje kluba ako postoji aktivno članstvo upoznato s problematikom tekućih pitanja i funkcioniranja kluba. Iako se do sada nisam još u potpunosti upoznao s funkcioniranjem kluba i radnih grupa, čini mi se da je klub okružen ljudima kojima je stalo do kluba i vjerujem da će se takav princip pokazati uspješnim.
Što se drugih klubova poput Zagreba 041 tiče, ne gajim previše nade. Direktna demokracija ne ostavlja prostor za muljanja i osobne interese, a lokalni klubovi često su poligon za upravo to. Moje iskustvo u nižim ligama upoznalo me s time koliko klubu može pomoći dobar, pošten i sposoban predsjednik, kao i koliko klub može upropastiti loš predsjednik. Ali fućkaj ga, čini mi se da su ovi dobri rijeđi.
7. Gunja, Kavelj i Jakuš (17 min) postavili su visoke standarde, možeš li opravdati očekivanja i osigurati mjesto u prvoj postavi
Mogu obećati da ću dati sve od sebe, iako moram priznati da su i Gunja i Kavelj (Jakuša još nisam upoznao) pokazali da su itekako dobra konkurencija za mjesto među vratnicama. Branit će onaj koji to zasluži na treningu, a ja se nadam da ću to biti ja.
8. U subotu bi trebao biti tvoj debi, čeka te više od 100 navijača i navijačica, imaš li tremu?
Imam, i to prvi put nakon o-ho-ho godina. Vrti mi se sto filmova u glavi o toj prvoj tekmi i kako će to izgledati, ali jedva čekam, čim krene tekma nestane trema i počinje uživancija. Nadam se da ćemo u nastavak sezone ući pobjednički i da ću imati što manje posla na golu, lako ćemo mi za moj debi, bitno da uzmemo 3 boda prije gostovanja u Mlaki.
9. Ti imaš trenersku licencu, vidiš li svoju budućnost u ovome klubu?
Naravno, volio bih i svoju trenersku karijeru nastaviti u Zagrebu 041 jer mislim da su svi bitni faktori ovdje, i da se buduća omladinska škola može izgraditi na dobrim temeljima za daljnji napredak kluba. U klubu sam da pomognem na bilo koji način mogu, kao golman, kao trener, ako treba znam i crtati linije po igralištu pa ćemo se lako dogovoriti.
10. Neki igrači su poznati po zatvaranju klubova, neki nose ogledalo na trening, neki su kikseri a neki već sad legende kluba, po čemu će tebe zapamtiti navijači i navijačice?
Nadam se po obranama, a ne po kiksevima. Ne mislim da ću biti u stanju zamijeniti Gunju u njihovim pjesmama ali mislim da ćemo se dobro slagati, pogotovo kad krenem u izlete na centaršute :D
11. Poruka ekipi na tribini?
Bio sam jednom na tekmi s ekipom na tribini i ničeg se ne sjećam više taj dan. Jedva čekam da zajedno proslavimo naslov prvaka!
1. Hi Filip, tell us something about yourself and your life and football paths...
Hi, my name is Filip Pavelić, I'm 25 and I have been studying history so long that I have been quoted as a history source. On my football path I've changed a number of clubs from Zagreb and the surroundings, having spent longest time at FC Horvati with whom I've won the 3rd Zagreb Division and played quarterfinals of ZNS Cup. At my free time, when I'm not playing football or coaching youth squads, I go to college, work all try to watch every episode of Malcolm in the Middle with my girlfriend.
2. How did you come to 041?
I've been flirting with 041 from its beginnings when I accidently crashed into conversation between Goran and Gunja at Frka bar. Still, at that time I played at FC Horvati with whom I've lived some great moments in club's history and made friendships with some really great fools. After Horvati lost their senior squad in February, I immediately decided to join Zagreb 041 because it seems it writes a great new football story. I've watched my first matches in Kranjčevićeva with my grandpa with whom I've had a special relationship so joining this club is especially important to me.
3. You've been with us more than a month, how do you see other players, coach and trainings?
I have to admit I only have words of praise for players, coach and trainings for now. Attendance at trainings is phenomenal, the atmosphere is excellent and you can see the club has players who know how to play and who care about the club very much. Coach Igor seems like a good man and a good coach who knows what he wants from players, knows how to keep situation under control and knows how to transfer his knowledge and experience to us. As far as the training is concerned, I'll just say it's been a long time since I've prepared for the start of the season this hard and I believe it should be seen in the pitch quickly.
4. Do you think integration of refugees is possible through football? How does it look like in training?
It is certainly possible and it is a great opportunity to help them in the new place. Although a cliché, football is really some kind of universal language to us who love it. I believe the happiness when you score a goal or defend the penalty is the same in Afghanistan, Syria and Croatia, and it gives us something in common, which is exactly what I think people coming to new country because of difficulties at their homes need.
Working with refugees in training is nice and extremely positive. For example, the will and the effort our Ibrahim gives at the trainings impresses me every time, as well as the pidgin English we communicate in. And his sliding tackles aren't bad as well. :D
5. Can we finish at the first place and what do we need for that?
Honestly, I'm not sure about the quality of 3rd Zagreb Division, but it seems to me that the approach and the trainings are extremely serious and that the quality of players is enough to attack the first place. I came to the club with the wish to win the division again and I hope we'll achieve it this year.
6. We are different from other clubs (one member-one vote, direct democracy, against modern football), do you see more clubs like Zagreb 041 in the future or do you think it will all stay the same?
I think direct democracy, and one member-one vote policies can be a good way to lead the club if you have active members who know the everyday functioning of the club. Although I haven't seen the club's functioning in detail, it seems it is surrounded by people who care about it and I believe this approach will show itself as successful.
As far as other clubs like Zagreb 041 are concerned, I don't have much hope. Direct democracy leaves no place for shady business and personal interests, and local clubs are often a place for that. My experience in lower divisions showed me how much of an impact an honest and capable club president can be as well as how a club can be ruined by a bed president. But it seems the good ones are rare.
7. Gunja, Kavelj and Jakuš (17 minutes), set high goalkeeping standards, can you justify the expectations and secure a place in the squad?
I can promise I'll give everything I can, although I have to admit Gunja and Kavelj (I haven't met Jakuš yet) are really good competition for the place between the posts. The one who earns it in training will be the keeper and I hope it will be me.
8. You should have a debut on Saturday, more than a hundred supporters is waiting to see you, are you nervous?
I do, for the first time after many years. I think about the first match a lot, but I can hardly wait, as soon as a match starts, nervousness disappears and enjoyment starts. I hope we will start the second half of the season with a win and that I won't have much to do at the goal. My debut isn't as important as taking three points before going to Mlaka next week.
9. You're a licensed football trainer, do you see your future in this club?
Of course, I'd like to continue my coaching career in Zagreb 041 because I think all the important factors are here, and that the future youth squad could be built on good grounds. I'm in club to help in any way I can, as a goalkeeper, as a coach, I can also draw the lines on the pitch as well so we'll easily make a deal.
10. Some players are known for late night partying, some take a mirror to training, some often make blunders while others are already club's legends. What will the fans remember you for?
I hope by my defences not by my fails. I don't think I can replace Gunja in their songs but I think we'll get along just fine, especially when I start picking up those crosses. :D
11. A message for the stands?
I was once at the stands for a match and I don't remember anything else that day. I can't wait to celebrate winning the championship together!