
Izvještaj s utakmice NK Bubamara - NK Zagreb 041 // Report from the game NK Bubamara vs FC Zagreb 041

U subotu 5.11. čekao nas je dvoboj s momčadi s kojom nikad nismo prije igrali, NK Bubamara. // On Saturday 5th of November we had a match with team we never played before, FC Bubamara.

Znali smo da već godinama imaju kvalitetnu omladinsku školu i da su trenutno na tablici nekoliko mjesta ispod nas, ali igrači i navijači došli su po pobjedu. Ipak, imalo se što pitati i Bubamare, već u 16.minuti, nakon loše postavljene offside zamke trojica igrača Bubamare nalaze se u 16ercu, Gunja je izvrsno obranio prvi pokušaj, ali na odbijenu loptu najbolje je reagirao Kristijan Topolko i Bubamara vodi.

Do kraja 1.poluvremena vodila se borba uglavnom na sredini terena, prilike su bile rijetke i uglavnom bezopasne, a stvar oko koje su se igrači i navijači obje momčadi uspjeli složiti jest da je suđenje bilo prilično loše. Drugo poluvrijeme počinje pritiskom naših igrača i vrebanjem na kontre od strane Bubamare. Navijači su cijelo vrijeme navijali i davali snagu igračima u želji za izjednačenjem i/li preokretom.

U 82. minuti, prekršaj za Zagreb na lijevoj strani, Balde šalje loptu u 16erac, golman je skreće, a obrambeni igrač igra rukom, sudac odmah pokazuje na bijelu točku, a na tribinama već kreće slavlje. Balde uzima loptu i mirno šalje golmana u jednu, a loptu u drugu i rezultat je 1-1. Na tribini se pale baklje i počinje pjesma, a zagrebaši jure po terenu. Trud se isplatio, u 85. minuti, kreće kontra Zagreba i Balde šalje loptu za Antuna, golman stiže prije njega i kupi loptu u ruke, ali van 16erca, izravan crveni za golmana i prilika iz slobodnog udarca za Zagreb 041. Loptu opet uzima Balde i maestralno pogađa gornji lijevi kut, rijetko se mogu takvi golovi vidjeti i u višim ligama. Slavlje je posvuda, kako na terenu tako i na tribini.

Utakmica do kraja prolazi bez većih uzbuđenja i Zagreb 041 odlazi s 3 boda s teškog gostovanja u Prečkom. Pogotke s ove utakmice možete pogledati i na internetu - Igrači su nakon utakmice ostali s navijačima uz pjesmu i slavlje. Ova pobjeda dovela nas je na diobu prvog mjesta, a pokušaj da ostanemo usamljeni na vrhu dolazi već u subotu 12.11. kada igramo posljednju utakmicu ove polusezone. Vraćamo se u Dugave, a u goste nam dolazi Omadinac, očekuje se napeta utakmica jer je Omladinac također pri vrhu, samo 3 boda iza nas, vidimo se u 14h u Dugavama!


What we did know is that they have great youth academy and that they currently few spots below us, however players and fans came for the win. But it wouldn’t be easy and that we could see in 16th minute when, after bad offside trap, three Bubamara players got in the box, Gunja deflected first shot, but Kristijan Topolko was closest one to the ball and Bubamara is upfront by one.

By the end of first half neither team created any significant opportunities and only thing that fans could watch were the bad calls from referee. Second half started with offensive minded Zagreb and Bubamara pulled back and waited for counter. Fans were cheering and singing, trying to encourage players to score a goal. But they had to wait till 82nd minute.

After foul on left side, Balde sends high ball in and goalkeeper manages only to deflect it, but one of the defenders is handballing and referee points to the spot. Stand are already in delirium, rightly so because Balde sends goalkeeper on one side, the ball in other and we have a tie. Pyro starts in the stand and fans are louder than ever, at the same time players are giving all they got. Hard work pays off, in 85th minute, there is counter attack, Balde sends ball in space for oncoming Antun, goalkeeper is closer to the ball but he grabs it in hands outside of the box, it’s red card for him and great opportunity for Zagreb 041.

Balde again takes the ball and in Beckham like fashion sends in  top left corner, fantastic goal more accustomed for elite football. Celebration is on the field among players and even more in the stands. Last couple of minutes go by with nothing important happening and Zagreb 041 takes all the points. For the first time you can watch all the goals from the game - After the game, fans and players celebrated together. Reason for that is now even greater because after Sundays games we are tied at first place. Last game this year will be next Saturday, home game against FC Omladinac, team which is only 3 points behind us. If we win we might finish this half of season at first place so come to the game and support us, what is sure that you will have great time during and after the game.



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Standings provided by Sofascore
Nogometni klub "Zagreb 041"
Kombolova 13
10000 Zagreb
IBAN: HR0323400091110706920 (PBZ)
OIB: 66080577328
MB: 4341503
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